(Preliminary Proposal before we chat about your exact budget needs I kept this as low as possible)

Linkedin Marketing Recommendations for VinMatchPro

— > Linkedin Lead Generation for B2B Salvage Yards Only…

I won’t waste your time with fluff and case studies etc… We have worked together for over a year and you know how I work :O)

Main Goals:

Use: Linkedin to capture

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Salvage Yard Name
  • Salvage Yard Location

Sample Ad Demo Only on the function

There Will Be About 15 ADS in rotation)

I use a technique called “Ad Stacking” It’s when all the campaign objectives work in Sync to promote each other.

  • Lead Capturing
  • Top of Mind Branding
  • Engagement Ads

These Campaigns Will Also Run In Conjunction With The Lead Campaigns.

Traffic Ads –

Image Ad Campaign for A/B Split Testing (Learn More Button) for Direct Targeted Traffic Ads

Top Of Mind Branding Engagement Objective

The engagement objective is designed to get more people to see, share and engage with your Ad. With engagement as your objective, you can create ads that:

  • (Ad Engagement and Shares)
  • (Ad Likes)
  • Insert Contact Info in the Body of the Creative
  • Raise Product Awareness


  • Drill down using the data, I would like to drill down even further. (the more we target correctly, the better the impressions, as well as it lowers the CPC) – Better ROI
  • Focus on TARGETED Lead Gen
  • For Lead Ad Campaigns, Leads are Redirected to Main Site after capturing the lead – 2 birds 1 stone
  • All ads are (pixeled/tracking coded) for LOOKALIKE audiences as well as RETARGETING
  • Constantly adjust the ad copy and creatives i.e. slide shows/videos/images/Carousel ads etc… for the best performance
  • Can instantly ZAP Info/Leads to any Email/CRM/SMS Message
  • Email Campaign (Newsletter) Bi-Monthly to people that have sent in a lead for more info and have not taken action
  • Benchmark best-performing ads and add new creatives throughout the week. (A/B Split Testing)
  • Top of mind branding ad campaign (pixeled)

My Minimum Recommendations:


Linkedin Lead Generation – 

  • TARGETED Leads
  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Traffic
  • Ad Engagement 
  • Install Tracking Pixel
  • Full Reports

– $2,800 – 30 days

  • $2,300 will go to ad spend
  • $500 for my fee (You helped me I promised I would help You)

Linkedin Adspend is a lot higher than FB (just food for thought…. We Can Drill Down and Directly Target Salvage Yards on FB as well) – that would be outside the marketplace ads. I just wanted to let you know that.

Please feel free to Call/Text me with your Questions – 603-401-9923

Email me rick@targetedleads365.com
