Here Is What I recommend.

Targeted Facebook Lead Campaign – Targeting Realtors and Real Estate Brokers In 2 States.

Also would be using a New Community Targeting App that allows us to deliver ads to those Realtors and Real Estate Brokers. These communities are huge (I work with realtors and they are always talking about how they get all their info through them) 

Here is a Quick Video I Made Just To Demo the System.

there are 2 parts to This, the first is the ad spend and the 2nd is the labor.

(Of course, a larger budget for ad spend is a game changer – custom price below) Leads Start Within 48 Hours

All Lead Plans Follow The Same Format.

  • “Campaigns” are an umbrella that runs everything under it – sets budget etc.…
  • “Ad Sets” are what sets the targeting and demographic
  • “Ad Creatives” are what the user sees

Step Up – Facebook Lead Ad Campaign (2 States) – $1,600

The more we spend on ad delivery increase the reach and views of your ads. The all-inclusive Facebook base plan is covering the ad spend and labor for 30 days.


  • $1,000 gets applied to Ad Spend
  • Connect Lead/Sale Delivery System
  • Target Your Local Radius (coverage)
  • Target Local Realtors & Brokers
  • Bonus – Deliver Ads To Local Community Groups
  • Campaign Creation
  • Unlimited Ad Sets (multiple split testing)
  • Unlimited Ad Creatives
  • Leads get sent to you immediately
  • Daily Campaign Optimization
  • Full Reporting

Step Up – Facebook Lead Ad Campaign (4 States) – $2,500

The more we spend on ad delivery increase the reach and views of your ads. The all-inclusive Facebook base plan is covering the ad spend and labor for 30 days.


  • $1,800 gets applied to Ad Spend
  • Connect Lead/Sale Delivery System
  • Target Your Local Radius (coverage)
  • Target Local Realtors & Brokers
  • Bonus – Deliver Ads To Local Community Groups
  • Campaign Creation
  • Unlimited Ad Sets (multiple split testing)
  • Unlimited Ad Creatives
  • Leads get sent to you immediately
  • Daily Campaign Optimization
  • Full Reporting